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Bestcryptminers.com ¿Te sientes estafado? opiniones

Grupo DEF Informador

ATENCIÓN: Esta web bestcryptminers.com tiene todos los supuestos para que la consideremos como peligrosa para el consumidor. Aconsejamos encarecidamente no realizar gestión alguna en este portal web. Si en algún momento te has sentido estafado por esta web, regístrate y responde a este hilo, probablemente te podamos ayudar.

Iniciador de tema Publicado : 10/09/2021 10:40
Participante Registrado

Awful customer service, this company stole $17000 dolars and never got it back, on fall for this scammers, they will let you do transactions and after that they will keep asking for more amd more money for a "KYC verification and insurance thing" DONT FALL FOR THIS SCAMMERS AND STEALERS, I LOST ALL MY MONEY WITH THIS COMPANY AND STILL NEED TO PAY FOR INTERESTS FOR THE LOAN I ASKED TO BE ABLE TO GET MY MONEY BACK, i dont know why the other guy said he could get his money back and all the others saying that they getting paid, THATS NO TRUE THEY ALL ARE THE SAME PEOPLE, i will open my yoitibe channel and make sure more people know that this company DONT PAY, be aware and dont fall for this company they just keep asking amd asking for money and never let you do withdrawals 

Publicado : 17/02/2022 03:35
Grupo DEF Informador

You can, if you want, to make your YouTube channel public here and upload the videos you consider necessary. Thanks for the post, regards

Iniciador de tema Publicado : 17/02/2022 12:38
Carlosey les gusta
Participante Registrado

I sent my report to federal trade comision case number


Publicado : 19/02/2022 01:56
Grupo DEF Informador

Thanks for sharing

Iniciador de tema Publicado : 19/02/2022 13:05


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