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Participante Registrado

ALERTA: Ultimas novedades de este impostor:
Sigue tratando de engañar, ahora lo hace a través de una Empresa que se llama Ixxxxxxxxxxxx representada por LUIS FERNANDO
Las Empresas Rusas que mencionan en su contratos sonxxxxxxxxxxxxxx de los sitios mas denunciados por intento de estafas con instrumentos financieros, que solicitan tipo MT 700, MT 760 o MT 103, en la firma de sus contratos.
Espero sirva de antídoto o vacuna contra este virus que nos ataca permanentemente.

Iniciador de tema Publicado : 23/11/2011 21:17
Luis Fernando del Valle
Participante Registrado

Estimado Pupeto,
Soy Luis Fernando del V. R., de INTERGUATE INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS, me lastima profundamente me involucre de esta forma con el Señor Francisco Jaime M. S., yo desde un inicio, empezé a trabajar como "comisionista" en el mercado de las commodities, iniciando con Azúcar Icumsa 45. El señor moranta como usted sabe, no proporcionó el producto. Por lo que me explico su problema con el sistema financiero en España, en donde sus cuentas han sido embargadas por una deuda en Hacienda, por lo que yo tomé la iniciativa de ayudarle a solventar los contratos que quedaron pendientes.
Hice las investigaciones pertinentes y efectivamente la empresa Novametals tiene el producto y es una de las más grandes en Rusia, por lo que yo inicié negociaciones con ellos para poder ofrecer el producto directamente, tengo contrato con ellos para vender su producto. Por esa razón fue que yo tomé los contratos de Rieles y HMS que tenía el Señor M.,
mi idea no es estafar a nadie, soy una persona honesta, sincera, responsable y temerosa de Dios. Por lo que estoy en total disponibilidad de aclarar este mal entendido, puede ser que el señor moranta esté usando mi nombre y de mi empresa sin mi autorización y sin que yo pueda darme cuenta. Acciones que tomaré en contra de él. Mi empresa es nueva y no me gustaría iniciar con mal pie. Por lo que yo le agradecería de todo corazón, que no haga esos comentarios tan fuertes, porque no estoy siendo uno de M., sino que ofrezco lo que tengo. Si usted desea podemos charlar por skype o por telefono. Mi skype es interguateinternational0. y aclarar esta situación. Pues no deseo verme involucrado en problemas, los cuales no he buscado y ni pienso buscar, sino simplemente satisfacer las necesidades de nuestros clientes y de los intermediarios, que conozco a la perfección el trabajo.

Espero poder tener noticias suyas pronto, y con todo respeto le solicito, no hable de esa forma de mi persona, ya que puede perjudicarme de gran manera. No estoy solicitando dinero a nadie, se siguen los procedimientos como deben hacerse, se hacen las visitas al patio en donde está el producto. En fin, todo es puramente legal y transparente. Puedo probarle sin ningún problema.

Agradezco su tiempo y su comprensión.


Luis Fernando del V.

ALERTA: Ultimas novedades de este impostor:
Sigue tratando de engañar, ahora lo hace a través de una Empresa que se llama Ixxxxxxxxxxxxxrepresentada por LUIS FERNANDO xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Las Empresas Rusas que mencionan en su contratos son: xxxxxxxxx de los sitios mas denunciados por intento de estafas con instrumentos financieros, que solicitan tipo MT 700, MT 760 o MT 103, en la firma de sus contratos.
Espero sirva de antídoto o vacuna contra este virus que nos ataca permanentemente.

Publicado : 25/11/2011 12:16
Participante Registrado


Publicado : 01/12/2011 21:07
Participante Registrado

nunca respondió a ninguna

Publicado : 01/12/2011 21:09
Participante Registrado

Francisco fue sólo el primero en disparar mierda, ahora dejad también vosotros Luis Fernando del V. R.

Publicado : 01/12/2011 21:11
Participante Registrado

contrato por 150.000 toneladas, el comprador espera que a partir de junio. Un montón de mierda. primero, ahora luis-

siempre y únicas palabras

Publicado : 01/12/2011 21:20

Participante Registrado

contrato por 150.000 toneladas, el comprador espera que a partir de junio. Un montón de mierda. primero, ahora luis-

siempre y únicas palabras

Publicado : 01/12/2011 21:23
Participante Registrado

luis dice hablar con Skype. es del 4 de noviembre me pidió que hablara con él. Todavía estoy esperando

Publicado : 01/12/2011 21:23
Participante Registrado

Este tio deberiamos de denunciarlo ya de una vez incluso al de Rusia el Dimitri de mierda ese que estan jugando con cientos de personas son unos estafadores van buscando informacion cuentas bancarias datos recaban informacion de todos no responden a nada


Publicado : 02/12/2011 00:46
Participante Registrado

Sres deberiamos de denunciarlo entre todos este tio tiene 200 contratos por todo el mundo no sabe ingles no tiene telefono no habla con nadie vive en alicante es facil localizarle

No existe NOVAMETALS miren la web a ver si sale www.novametals.ru

Este tio junto al de Rusia Dimitri son estafadores lo saben todas las embajadas y camaras de comercio del mundo estan detras de ellos ya


Publicado : 02/12/2011 00:59
Participante Registrado

Yo sigo recibiendo a diario información que envían estos delincuentes, y no puedo creer que todavía hay gente que este esperando que le cumplan las promesas y los contratos. De esto se deduce que hay muchas personas en el falso mercado de los commodities vía paginas web gratuitas, intercambiando documentos (ofertas, LOI, ICPO, Draft Contract, NCNDA,) que no se sabe a quien realmente pertenecen, y se ha formado un circulo vicioso tan contaminado que ya no se puede creer nada de los cientos de e-mail semanales que se reciben. A esta situación se ha llegado por que realmente no se quiere reconocer la realidad, cuando unos individuos que no tienen oficinas, atienden en un bar nos dicen que son Seller y que van a firmar un contrato millonario de 50 millones de Dolares por mes y que tienen firmado mas de 180 contratos y que les sirven para acreditar sus dichos o afirmaciones como un antecedente mas.
Los Rusos han logrado fichar a estos pájaros para divulgar sus estafas vía Internet, con solo ver la cantidad de información gratuita que hay en todos lados no hace falta profundizar mas en el asunto.
Recomiendo a todos los dammificados que pasen pagina y que en el futuro solo acepten ofertas de Empresas reconocidas y que tengan una trayectoria y unos antecedentes que se puedan verificar.

Iniciador de tema Publicado : 02/12/2011 21:09
Participante Registrado

Si usted era una víctima de esta gente, deja la reunión. Lo tomaremos para tragar juntos.

Escríbame el mensaje privado con los detalles, nosotros están archivando un informe con la policía de Interpol, española y guatemalteca, así como el FBI. Envíeme sus detalles del contacto también.

Y usted, FRANCISCO JAIME ., mirada alrededor siempre que usted esté caminando, y en su sueño también.


Publicado : 03/12/2011 02:34

Luis Fernando del Valle
Participante Registrado


Publicado : 09/12/2011 02:28
Participante Registrado

Please contact us at [email protected]

We have been duped by this guy, he wasted our time for 1 month.

We are taking measures to bring him to justice.

Any and all info would help.

Publicado : 09/12/2011 20:12
Participante Registrado


Roles in trades can't be an option: or you are a broker, or you are a seller/buyer.
Brokers can't be sellers, just because they don't have any products to sell.
Same we don't need to demonstrate that a broker can never become a buyer because he will never have enough money for the purchase (if he would have it, then he would close the deal immediately).

Rules are instead represented by the same agreements ad contracts that everyone of the involved parties subscribes in the deal.

Is it clear that?


Anyone that confuses these simple fundamentals is therefore a stupid or a scammer, but since the stupidity is not a category in trades, we can hence consider the scammer only.

Any attempt to offer on the market unexisting gods or services is a scam without exceptions, and must be not only reported tothe law enforcements, but also published to any board or blacklist, to avoid new victims of these jerks.

If you offer a product without having it you are not only a liar, but the deal becames a fraud because it always involves more people/groups that spent their money/time.

What really sucks today and kill the deals are the so many people playing with commodities, the so-called "shoppers" (brokers manipulating documents, fake sellers and fake buyers).

But you are wrong if you think that just a PC and Internet can make a broker...

Same, if you sign a contract and you will not able to perform it for any reason, you are simply a fraudster, and for that you will have to pay for all the damages (lost commissions for the mediators, and missing profit for the buyer, plus remboursement for all the banking charges and waste of time).

The commodities are not a game as many of them can think (see the above posts).
When you enter this world you are responsable for any word that you write down, you have always to ponderate exactly any term that you use: there is no room for mistakes or misunderstandings here.

Anyone that fails in trades therefore has to pay in some way, and mostly if international trades: in Paris the ICC Dispute Center has been created just for this reason, even if it is not the only tool for safe trades (the costs to initiate an international dispute are rather high today, and it is a very complex procedure).

I hope that everyone agrees on this point.

Now the fact is that Mr. Moranta has signed and notarized tons contracts that he can not perform, and as for we know that for any kind of commodity: iron ore, used rails, sugar and so on.

We have signed late in May 2011 a contract for a total of 1,800,000MT of used rails with him: now we are almost in november and we have not yet seen ... one only screw!
He also signed the ICC Warning Letter...
Is this serious?


Still in July and August 2011 we have received several complaints from our custommers saying that Moranta closed cotracts that then he never performed: we can provide upon request names, proofs, any info or detail about that.
We've also sent a copy of them to the same Moranta asking for an explanation.

At first Moranta never replied, but then, upon our pressure, he told us that he never issued those documents, and that as for him they were all fake.
But why our clients should have wasted time to produce counterfait FCOs in Moranta's letterhead and with his seal/signature?

Is it another case? Or is really Moranta himself a victim instead?

No, just two days ago I myself stopped anoher group from Korea that was recently contacted by Moranta to sign a huge contract of sugar ICUMSA 45 from Brazil!
How is it possible?

Moranta also never replies our emails or calls, and when he does it, he always sends two lines in spanish that no one person in all the Latin America (Spain included) could understand one only word till now!

There is a long list of reasons because he can't reply or attend at the phone: he can't speak english, as you know.
So one day he says that he can't reply because the office is closed for holydays, the day after that he had a car incident, tomorrow he will say that his dog is dead and so on...

Is it professional?


Finally, another company from Costarica informed us last week that Mr. has offered them for sale a full package of more than 100 contracts.
If this is true, it means that Moranta's contracts are just made for free, that's not for selling real gods, but rather for collecting reserved infos only.

It's clear: Moranta probably hopes to resell these infos then to third parties on the Internet.

Now we do know that some infos can have a different price depending from the target.
I mean that if Moranta offers me a contract of D2 I wouldn't give him a penny because I don't care, not working with D2.
But what if he offers the same infos to someone that is looking for that only?

And how much would pay that person for all the infos embedded in a contract that has been also notarized already?

Just to compare it, many services on the internet are selling tons of generic email lists at the price of 1 USD/email (that's for pure "spam")...

Other services, more professional, offer softwares to extract specific records (search results by specific keyword or category) from local Yellow Pages/Paginas Amarillas with rates going from 99 to 4,000 USD .

We all know that Google too has an advertising program called Google-Adwords that allows to "buy" contacts, whose price is generally between 10 ad 500$ for any "targetted email" (assuming as average that every 20 clicks there is a contact, depending from the keyword that you bid for)...
But there is a substantial difference: while Google regularly sells infos following strictly all the rules and regulamentations in their agreement, Moranta steals other people infos and time without any authorization!

Who really knows what is really the price that Moranta asks for a signed contract on the parallel market?
If it was just 100 USD/each, being these infos more relevat than a generic email, Moranta should now have gained more than 10,000 USD only with the guy above!

That is weird, and it's a well-known crime persecuted by all the international laws as "phishing" (stealing of identities and personal infos for illegal activities).

Someone fears that all these reserved infos like banking infos and copies of passports could as well be used to create fake documents or to organize new scams on the underground circuits: who can guaratee that it will happen?

Or are we all waiting for Interpol that a day knocks at our door for a crime that we even don't know but made using our personal infos?

Our sensation is however that Moranta is not out of bussiness now, but he is still active and planning every day new frauds all around.

And all his contracts look like more paper toilette.
But if the spanish police in Alicante ("Guardia Civil") continues in sleeping and leaves this guy having fun of the whole world, we can't tollerate that any more.

Yes, it's time to stop this guy because he is now the public danger number one for commodities, and his dirty technics soon could be emulated by thousands of clones in any country, with the consequence of creating serious troubles for anyone of us.


PS: if you needs more infos please feel free to contact me

Please contact us at [email protected] Thank you

Publicado : 09/12/2011 20:30
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